
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Scott Sisters on the Jane Velez-Mitchell show

One of the latest news have to do with the unfair incarceration of the Scott sisters. I had to go to NAACP web site right away, after reading a few details about their unjust sentence, and consequently - with a quick click of the mouse - fully support the letter for their immediate release.
I felt obliged to do so, because the sentence - Unless there is something else the press has not written about up to this point - seems ludicrous, racially motivated, and pardon the redundancy: simply unjust.

The judge on the case may have been biased since the very beginning, even before the case hit his docket in the first place. Little doubt is in my mind though, that he could very well have some ties to any of these hatred groups that mainly have consisted of uneducated, misinformed, Southerners who have inhabited the United States.

While it could be scientifically true that Black people may be fittingly advantageous over the Asian, Hispanic and Caucasian counterparts, and hence the ingrained skills they are unconsciously born with, make them slightly physical dependent on those aforementioned features, which as a result may adjust their mental abilities to a lesser capacity notch compared to their motor skills they are so lucky to possess, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are at a higher risk during their lifetime to commit hideous or any sort of violent acts than the rest.

So, it is a human act to support these ladies. Besides, no one got hurt in the altercation that took place a few years ago.

Shame on Judge Marcus Gordon. Support these ladies and let them go back to their families.

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