
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Rick Sanchez Fired... Is Hispanic the new Black?

One of the reasons the Christian community despise the Jewish counterpart has to do, not only exclusively with the complete denial and recognition of Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah, as it has been manifested throughout history from the latter society, but perhaps slightly more with the obfuscation of the Jews to accept Christianity religion's views altogether. It is a sad state of affairs that both sides can't find a common ground to agree at. It looks as if they won't live happily ever after.

In the latest of these disputes we see a Miami-broadcaster and journalist Rick Sanchez stating more or less than Jews are the ones to be blamed for the degeneration of society in general. Although he said it in other words, and used instead the 'liberal' terminology to the impeding issue, one may wonder whether or not it is valid his argument.
Were Rick Sanchez from African descent, would CNN fire him?

It is ironic though, how much CNN finds it hurtful and extremely offensive all of Rick Sanchez's remarks and yet they don't hesitate for a second to terminate him. They certainly dismissed any future apologies that Sanchez may have presented to them.
So the question here is whether stand-up comedians are exclusively saved from using discriminatory remarks to and fro and yet they feel 'bad' whenever a non stand-up comedian uses them as well.
Does Jon Stewart have some sort of pass which allows him to say anything he wants against Jews or anyone else as he wishes because he is just a stand-up comedian, or because he is simply Jew?

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