
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

To Jon and Rick. Subtitle: Of Jews and Christians in the press.

Daily Show: Rick Sanchez's Tsunami Anger
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It is simply unbeknown to me, what possibly could have gone through the Jon Stewart Daily Show's screenplayers' minds, when with incongruent ad hominem attacks they have capriciously tried to make fun of Rick Sanchez's journalistic qualifications for the last months with no apparent nearly end. I guess they got what they so wholeheartedly wanted. Sanchez is out.

First of all, it is important to remember that any journalist needs to engage an audience in. An audience that, sadly to admit, may not be the brightest of the pack. This in itself, presents all sort of problems. Problems that should be addressed and laid out in laymen terms. And this is exactly what any journalist, regardless of the topic in question should first and foremost, put in easy terms. Doing it that way, it allows the recipient to spread out a message, whatever that may be, whether it is related to a local or international event, ecological, political or anything else - in chewed out, itemized details, for a diverse, multifaceted audience, so it successfully results in getting the points across, notwithstanding the academic levels or grades of the targeted public to which the message is delivered.

So, bearing that in mind, how is it possible that God's great chosen team behind Jon Stewart crew, further traversed, defamed, and have manipulated and altered to great extents, many of the broadcast transmissions presented by Sanchez in the last months, while performing logical fallacies that have led to an interminable end of mock and ridicule? Have they actually improved the show's particular viewing ratings? If so, it says a lot about the land of honey and milk.
Cutting the whole segment with clips, instead of the entire recording is perhaps the only lifesaver for this show and many others (e.g. Letterman's being one of them) to resurrect -no pun intended - comedic stand-offs, which are as recessed as the economy itself. I guess it doesn't matter how the viewers unknowingly get a laugh at themselves, while erroneously thinking they are laughing at someone else.

There was another segment related to the Tsunami event, which was - and this was to be expected - sloppily chopped down as well, when Sanchez asked the guy - who was brought up to the broadcasting of this rare occurrence, so he could offer a better explanation - a simple question. And that was: what the two meters in English meant.

Perhaps the bright Stewart and company thought it would be another moment to smash open Rick and expose him once again. I'll let another website answer what the two meters in English meant:
    The cost to the US for not being on the metric system is no doubt high. Just last year, a Martian probe was destroyed because    some of its navigational data was in feet, and some was in meters. All exported goods have to be labeled in metrics or they do not  sell. We are slowly getting our act together. Almost all packaged goods have both the standard and metric measures on their label. The can of Root Beer I am drinking is labeled 12 FL OZ (355 mL).

But the reasonings from these people are just but sophistically remarks that come back to hunt them with a clever reminder that they are just buffoons in this time and age. By the way, 355 mL of Root Beer, in English, what are they?


America's Aversion to the Metric System

Retrieved from


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Scott Sisters on the Jane Velez-Mitchell show

One of the latest news have to do with the unfair incarceration of the Scott sisters. I had to go to NAACP web site right away, after reading a few details about their unjust sentence, and consequently - with a quick click of the mouse - fully support the letter for their immediate release.
I felt obliged to do so, because the sentence - Unless there is something else the press has not written about up to this point - seems ludicrous, racially motivated, and pardon the redundancy: simply unjust.

The judge on the case may have been biased since the very beginning, even before the case hit his docket in the first place. Little doubt is in my mind though, that he could very well have some ties to any of these hatred groups that mainly have consisted of uneducated, misinformed, Southerners who have inhabited the United States.

While it could be scientifically true that Black people may be fittingly advantageous over the Asian, Hispanic and Caucasian counterparts, and hence the ingrained skills they are unconsciously born with, make them slightly physical dependent on those aforementioned features, which as a result may adjust their mental abilities to a lesser capacity notch compared to their motor skills they are so lucky to possess, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are at a higher risk during their lifetime to commit hideous or any sort of violent acts than the rest.

So, it is a human act to support these ladies. Besides, no one got hurt in the altercation that took place a few years ago.

Shame on Judge Marcus Gordon. Support these ladies and let them go back to their families.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Rick Sanchez Fired... Is Hispanic the new Black?

One of the reasons the Christian community despise the Jewish counterpart has to do, not only exclusively with the complete denial and recognition of Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah, as it has been manifested throughout history from the latter society, but perhaps slightly more with the obfuscation of the Jews to accept Christianity religion's views altogether. It is a sad state of affairs that both sides can't find a common ground to agree at. It looks as if they won't live happily ever after.

In the latest of these disputes we see a Miami-broadcaster and journalist Rick Sanchez stating more or less than Jews are the ones to be blamed for the degeneration of society in general. Although he said it in other words, and used instead the 'liberal' terminology to the impeding issue, one may wonder whether or not it is valid his argument.
Were Rick Sanchez from African descent, would CNN fire him?

It is ironic though, how much CNN finds it hurtful and extremely offensive all of Rick Sanchez's remarks and yet they don't hesitate for a second to terminate him. They certainly dismissed any future apologies that Sanchez may have presented to them.
So the question here is whether stand-up comedians are exclusively saved from using discriminatory remarks to and fro and yet they feel 'bad' whenever a non stand-up comedian uses them as well.
Does Jon Stewart have some sort of pass which allows him to say anything he wants against Jews or anyone else as he wishes because he is just a stand-up comedian, or because he is simply Jew?